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Anita Grosz - Biography


Prior to moving to the UK in 1987, I lived in New York City and practiced intellectual property law.  During this period, as a volunteer lawyer, I assisted artists with a variety of needs.  At night, I was sculpting at the Arts Student League.  While in NYC, I also practiced criminal law with the Brooklyn District Attorneys Office.  Part of my law preparation involved working with a publishing attorney, a district court judge, the US Attorney's Office (fraud, art theft), and  the Strike Force Against Organized Crime. 

Before 1985, I lived in Chicago, working as a research assistant in a law and economics firm and studied photography at night at the SAIC.  I was involved in a number of exhibitions, participated in theatre productions and assisted in filmmaking.   I also trained individuals in testing techniques in the field of neuropsychology.

I gained my Masters in Fine Art, Photography at the University for the Creative Arts (UCA) in Farnham in 2012.

Click here to read Anita's Artist Statement

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